Awards for OACP Members
Must be member in good standing who has performed actions or activities that demonstrate efforts to enhance the professionalism of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police by helping meet the Association’s objectives through proven leadership.
The Chief of the Year Award
For outstanding contributions to overall public safety or the criminal justice profession, and demonstrates exceptional service to their community, and/or has made outstanding contributions to the betterment of the OACP.
The Paul Nagy Award
For contributions to OACP which exceed the high standards and contributions normally made by members.
The Max Patterson Award
For outstanding contributions to OACP or the community in presenting programs of outstanding benefit to young people of all ages in their community. This would require direct input from the Chief and participation in the program.
The Jim Jones Award
Awarded to retired OACP members who have displayed characteristics and qualities of a mentor, and who have helped fulfill the mission of the OACP following their retirement.
The Karlyn Campbell Award
For members that have distinguished themselves as a mentor to others in this organization. The recipient offers guidance and encouragement to those around them and displays a nurturing nature that cultivates professional growth.
OACP Medal of Honor
For members who have been killed in the line of duty or seriously injured in the line of duty. May be awarded posthumously and may be received by designated family member(s). The member must have been acting in their official capacity as a law enforcement officer or was killed because of his/her employment as a law enforcement officer. Seriously injured means an injury that causes great bodily harm, which creates a probability of death or that causes significant permanent disfigurement, which causes significant permanent loss or impairment of the function of any body part or organ.
OACP Medal of Valor
For members who willingly distinguish themselves through an act of courage, involving a risk of imminent serious injury for the purpose of saving or protecting a human life.
Special Service Award
For outstanding service to OACP by an Active Member.
Presidents’ Award
Awarded by the current OACP President to a deserving OACP member or staff person who has gone above and beyond to further the mission and values of the OACP.
Lifesaving Award
Given to a member of the OACP who saves the life of another human being.
Awards For Non-Members
Citizens Lifesaving Award
For a citizen who saves the life of a member of the OACP.
Partnership Award
For citizens who have provided outstanding leadership, contributions and/or assistance to the OACP.
Citizen Award Of Merit
For a citizen who performs an exceptional act or demonstrates a continued pattern of actions that further the mission and goals of the OACP or who made a significant impact or contribution to the law enforcement profession.
Law Enforcement Legislative Champion Award
Awarded to an individual who makes an outstanding and sustained contribution to law enforcement in Oregon through long-standing efforts in the Oregon Legislative Assembly.
Youth Award Of Merit
For a citizen, under the age of 18, who performs an exceptional act or demonstrates a continued pattern of actions that further the mission and goals of the OACP or who made a significant impact or contribution to the law enforcement profession.
Medal Of Ultimate Sacrifice
Given to the family of an OACP member who dies in the lawful performance of policy duty. The award is intended to recognize the family for their sacrifice over the years in support of their loved one’s profession. This award may be given alone or in conjunction with other medals or awards.