The Northwest Accreditation Alliance provides professional standards for law enforcement and 9-1-1 communications agencies in Oregon and Alaska. The Alliance is designed to evaluate and improve agencies’ overall performance seeking accreditation.

The Northwest Accreditation Alliance proudly provides professional standards for law enforcement and 9-1-1 communications agencies in Oregon and Alaska. The Alliance is designed to evaluate and improve agencies’ overall performance seeking accreditation. It provides formal recognition that an organization meets or exceeds service and quality expectations.

The Northwest Accreditation Alliance was formed in April 2001. It was created under the direction and authority of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association, and the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials. The Alliance mutually supports and endorses the continued improvement of law enforcement and emergency communications services by establishing professional standards of accountability, management, and operations.

The Northwest Accreditation Alliance is governed by the Northwest Accreditation Alliance Board. The Board is composed of representatives from the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, the Oregon State Sheriff’s Association, the Oregon Chapter of the Association of Public Safety Communications Officials, and the Alaska Association of Chiefs of Police. The purpose of the Board is to review all agencies being presented for state accreditation to ensure compliance with all applicable standards has been met.


Northwest Accreditation Alliance Website

Why Accreditation?

The accreditation system establishes a uniform set of “best practices” for police and 9-1-1 communications agencies consistent with state and federal requirements, measurable, and verified by an independent body as to compliance. It creates accountability for the community, elected policymakers, and line personnel performing the day-to-day work. Within the standards are compliance requirements dealing with life, health, safety, and high liability exposures.

Benefits of Accreditation:

For the Community:

  • Increases the law enforcement agency’s ability to prevent and control crime through more efficient and effective delivery of services.
  • Enhances community understanding of the law enforcement and communications agency, its role in the community, and its goals and objectives.
  • Creates a forum where police and citizens work together to prevent and control crime through a greater understanding of the challenges and impacts on law enforcement and the community’s needs.
  • Enhances public confidence in law enforcement and communications agencies.

For the Chief Executive Officer:

  • Increases cooperation and coordination with other law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.
  • Provides independent confirmation that policies comply with professional standards.
  • Provides greater administrative and operational effectiveness.
  • Ensure continuous, systemized self-assessment of policies, procedures, and operational practices.
  • Decreases exposure to civil liability and costly settlements, which leads to potential reductions in premiums for liability insurance.
  • Provides state and local acknowledgment of professional competence.

For Agency Personnel:

  • Enhances understanding of agency policies and procedures.
  • Assures consistent recruitment, selection, and promotion processes and that employment practices are fair, equitable, and non-discriminatory.
  • Increases morale within the agency.
  • Increases pride and confidence in the agency and its operations.
  • Ensures agency policies and procedures are reduced to writing and available to all personnel.

Accreditation Process:

Application Phase:
The agency applies for membership, completes an operating agreement, and receives the necessary training and materials to assist in the following phases.

Self-Assessment Phase:
The agency determines its level of compliance with the mandated standards. Policies and proofs of compliance are established and entered into PowerDMS, NWAA’s records management system. Policies and procedures undergo a review and are updated or revised as necessary.

Onsite Assessment:
One or more assessor(s) reviews the agency’s policies, procedures, and practices against the standards to ensure necessary compliance is met. A report is then compiled and forwarded to the Northwest Accreditation Alliance Board for review and nomination for the award of accreditation.

Award of Accreditation:
A formal award of accreditation presentation is made to the City Council or County Commissioners via electronic conferencing. A formal presentation is made to participating Associations during their annual banquet.

To maintain accredited status, agencies undergo a reassessment every three years, including an electronic standards assessment and onsite review.