A Message from OACP President Mark Daniel
Welcome to the website for the Oregon Association Chief’s of Police (OACP). I am humbled and honored to serve as the OACP President for the 2024-2025 term and look forward to representing our association locally, statewide, and nationally as I travel this coming year. I would like to thank all the OACP members for their service to this association but especially for the dedicated and professional service you provide to your community.
If you are a visitor to our web site, please take the time to explore the many areas of our website. It is filled with useful information about the resources and programs that the OACP has to offer. If you are not a member of the OACP yet, I encourage you to take some time and consider being a member of this great association. Once you join, you will find that you are connected to a vast group of members, all with significant skills and ideas that can be of benefit to you both personally and professionally. One of the main ways that we as Chiefs are successful is that we have, and use, those resources available to us when making decisions during these sometimes difficult and challenging times. Membership within OACP is not limited to Chiefs of Police; many members of the OACP are those in Second in Command positions, as well as leaders from the Oregon State Police and other criminal justice partners statewide. The OACP is also active in keeping our retired Chiefs in Oregon connected and active within the association. I sincerely hope you will consider joining us as a member of the OACP!
The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police (OACP) was formed for the intended purpose of enhancing professionalism and ensuring the integrity of law enforcement in Oregon. Our mission is to promote the highest ethical and professional standards in law enforcement at all levels throughout the state. The OACP has always been a leader, both on the state and national level, in the effort to enhance the profession. The strength of an organization is found in the membership and those who give of themselves to better the whole. In this regard, the OACP has been fortunate to have a long legacy of fine leaders who worked tirelessly to meet the goals of the association and the needs of the citizens we serve.
The executive staff of the OACP led by Executive Director Kevin Campbell and his wife Marie do a phenomenal job of organizing and ensuring the day-to-day operations of the OACP are successful. Kevin and Marie truly have servant hearts and assist all members of the association without a second thought. Kevin and Marie also ensure that we have a place at the table in matters of concern within our State. The OACP is able to have a respected and honored voice, to provide information and leadership as needed for the betterment and safety of our communities.
Some of the programs and opportunities that the OACP is involved in are:
Supporting the Northwest Accreditation Alliance which is a recognized accreditation body, which has established professional standards of accountability, management and operations for public safety agencies and centers in Oregon and Alaska.
Partnering with other organizations which promote and support the same or similar values of the OACP to make our state safer, and law enforcement more professional.
Providing scholarships to deserving students interested in obtaining degrees in Criminal Justice.
OACP also provides value added to our members through the use of a robust training platform with content only available to all member agencies.
Our dedication remains unwavering in ensuring that the OACP adheres to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity, and commitment to constitutional policing principles. In Oregon, we advocate for policing that is transparent, insightful, and inclusive. We have worked hard in collaboration with our communities to reform policing in Oregon, and we are proud of the changes that we have made together. Our commitment to driving positive change in law enforcement in Oregon remains steadfast which is again why I am honored to serve as your President of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police.
Thank you for what you do every day! I look forward to meeting and working with you all so that we can all continue to move this association forward, while honoring the legacy left by those Chiefs that have previously served this fine state.
Take care!
Chief Mark Daniel
President, Oregon Association Chiefs of Police