Oregon Association Chiefs of Police Inaugural Meeting in Salem, Oregon – February 27, 1953

The Oregon Association Chiefs of Police (OACP) was formed for the intended purpose of enhancing the professionalism and ensuring the integrity of law enforcement in Oregon. Our mission is to promote the highest ethical and professional standards in law enforcement at all levels throughout the state. At its inception, the OACP was envisioned as an organization that would promote training and information sharing to facilitate the professional growth of police chiefs and officers statewide. The OACP has always been a leader, both on the state and national level, in the effort to enhance the profession. The strength of an organization is found in the membership and those who give of themselves to better the whole. In this regard, the OACP has been fortunate to have a long legacy of fine leaders who worked tirelessly to meet the goals of the association and the needs of the citizens we serve.
On February 27, 1953, thirty-nine police chiefs from throughout the State of Oregon gathered in the capitol city at the invitation of Salem Police Chief Clyde Warren to form a new organization called the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police. During the inaugural meeting, Chief Ted D. Brown of Eugene was elected the first OACP president, Chief Clyde Warren of Salem was elected vice president and Chief Carl M. Dalles from Grants Pass was elected secretary-treasurer.
Over the years, the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police has grown in scope and membership, but our commitment to our core values and to the law enforcement code of ethics has remained steady and sure. As we enter our sixth decade, the OACP continues to grow in image and stature within the state. Membership in the OACP has grown to over 200 law enforcement executives along with a significant number of law enforcement and private sector partners.
The OACP accomplishes its mission by hosting conferences and trainings, distributing college scholarship money to second year (or later) students in criminal justice programs, managing grants for safety belt and DUII overtime, and developing and running community outreach programs geared for municipal police agencies. The OACP also maintains a strong presence in Salem, regularly testifies on legislative issues, and works to secure the passage of laws that help police departments better protect our citizens.
The membership of the Oregon Association Chiefs of Police is committed to support and maintain the highest standards of public safety and police protection for the people who live, work and play in the State of Oregon.